World map with streets and house numbers
Large map of the world with countries
Large interactive map of the world in 2022 with the names of countries, capitals and cities, in good quality it allows to see the location of various ;geographical objects online. For example, it can show countries of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf: Syria, Oman, Qatar (capital city Doha), Bahrain and Israel. Find detailed location of territories with complex history: administrative Hong Kong, the Freely Associated State of Puerto Rico and the island nation of Grenada in the southeast Caribbean Sea.The second most populated city in the Republic of South Africa is Cape Town, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates Dubai and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.Estimate the actual size of Russia, Europe, Eurasia, Islands Bali, Maldives Malta and Ibiza; Caspian, Black and Mediterranean orey. Find the borders of the archipelagos and continents, the countries of the Dominican Republic, Chile in Latin America, the countries of Africa Morocco and Tunisia. The modern map was made on the basis of satellite images of different years 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2022 Find out where physically located Cuba, Vietnam and China (Taiwan). Yandex map can enlarge and stretch to full screen, it marked political borders of CIS countries, countries of Asia: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Singapore.