Birmingham Road Conditions on Map

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Birmingham Traffic Map, Jams, Road Conditions

Real-time Birmingham traffic map, state of Alabama, United States, information about current road conditions on city's roads today. Stay updated with online Birmingham traffic maps. Birmingham is a city in the north central region of the U.S. state of Alabama. Birmingham is the seat of Jefferson County, Alabama's most populous county. You can make everyone happy. All it takes is a small Magic City. It's no wonder there's plenty to do in Alabama's largest city. Get directions, maps and traffic for Birmingham, AL.

Weather In Birmingham, Live 

Temperature  °F,  , humidity  %.
Minimum temperature at the moment  °F, maximum  °F.
Wind speed   miles/hour. Cloudiness  %

Birmingham Reference Information




United States


The Magic City, Pittsburgh of the South, B'ham


33°31′07″N 86°48′37″W

Birmingham Highways

Interstate Highway:

Interstate 20 in Alabama (I-20), Interstate 22 in Alabama (I-22), Interstate 59 in Alabama (I-59), Interstate 65 in Alabama (I-65), Interstate 459 (Alabama) (I-459)

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