Detailed map of Russia with cities with streets and house numbers


Detailed map of Russia with cities and roads

The service can show a detailed map of Russia with cities and roads in good quality. It allows you to find the necessary objects and study in detail any settlement, as well as think over the route. It does not need to be downloaded, nor does it need to install a mobile application. On the map of the Russian Federation, you can see the location of airports, railway stations, bus stations. It has avenues, highways and highways. Interactively switch modes to search for addresses, microdistricts, republics and districts. In a schematic form, it marked: hospitals, theaters, parks, hotels, museums, shops and cinemas. In  satellite with the possibility of approaching it is more convenient to watch rivers, lakes, mountain systems. Online maps of the Russian Federation with street names, house numbers, districts with high detail provided by Yandex.

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